GHC Genetics is a general partner of the DOBA GENOVÁ exhibition

GHC Genetics is a general partner of the DOBA GENOVÁ exhibition

GHC Genetics has become a general partner of the travelling exhibition "DOBA GENOVÁ", organised by Asgent and other professional institutions. The purpose of the exhibition is to present the mysteries of DNA and human genetics in a simple and entertaining way in relation to rare genetic diseases, their diagnosis and possible treatment. GHC Genetics has provided copies of unique documents relating to the discovery of the structure of DNA made 70 years ago.

A number of parents with children who have various genetic syndromes (e.g. Angelman syndrome) came to the opening of the exhibition on 7 October to hear their stories and understand how difficult it is to care for such people.

The opening was hosted by the popular Czech TV presenter Mr Daniel Stach, who asked each partner (e.g. from the Czech Association for Rare Diseases) in turn about their perspective and contribution to people suffering from genetic diseases. Speaking on behalf of GHC Genetics was Dr. Lucie Raba Vosmíková, who presented the possibilities of genetic testing before the conception of offspring, in which it is possible to find out for many diseases whether someone is a carrier of one of the rare genetic diseases, or disorders, and also during life, where genetic testing can be a key pillar in prevention, for example in the context of breast cancer or in the case of thrombosis, the occurrence of which can also be conditioned by genetic predisposition.

We are proud to be partners in this project, which also involves distinguished scientific institutions that are attempting to find new treatment approaches for these diseases, despite enormous obstacles and time constraints.