New TromboGen Gravidity test

New TromboGen Gravidity test

TromboGen Gravidity, a special genetic test for pregnant women, can detect thrombophilic mutations in the F2, F5, and ANXA5 genes that carry a risk of thrombosis, spontaneous abortion, pre-eclampsia and other complications during pregnancy.

TromboGen Gravidity, a special genetic test for pregnant women, can detect thrombophilic mutations in the F2, F5 a ANXA5 genes that carry a risk of thrombosis, spontaneous abortion, pre-eclampsia and other complications during pregnancy. The risk of developing deep vein thrombosis due to slowed blood flow in the veins is up to 5 times higher in pregnant women, and even 20 times higher in women in their puerperium. In pregnancy, there is also a natural increase in blood clotting to avoid a large loss at birth. Hereditary factors play a pivotal role in gene mutation and the development of disease or complications. TromboGen Gravidity comprehensive testing includes

  • Test for F5 gene mutation (thrombophilia factor V - Leiden mutation)

The Leiden mutation of the F5 gene leads to increased blood clotting. Therefore, mutation carriers are at increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and thromboembolic disease, and pregnant women are at increased risk of complications, especially spontaneous abortion, placental abruption and fetal growth restriction (IUGR).

  • Test for F2 gene mutation (thrombophilia factor II - prothrombin)

Carriers of the prothrombin mutation in the F2 gene are at increased risk of developing deep vein thrombosis and thromboembolic disease. Risks during pregnancy are the same as for the Leiden mutation in the F5 gene. 

  • Investigation of the M2 haplotype of the ANXA5 gene

The ANXA5 gene is significantly involved in the external protection of cell walls and prevents blood clots, especially in the placenta. Mutations in the  ANXA5 gene (haplotype M2) can reduce the quality of fetal nutrition and lead to complications such as thrombosis, spontaneous abortion, pre-eclampsia or the development of a low birth weight fetus. 

In case of finding a risk mutation, haematological examination and genetic consultation are recommended, on the basis of which adequate measures are determined in order to minimize the risk of thrombosis or other complications during pregnancy. 

If you are interested in the examination or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. The examination is covered by public health insurance if certain indication criteria are met.