We participated in a major study within the CZECANCA project
As part of the Czecanca project , we participated in the scientific study A comprehensive study evaluating germline FANCG variants in predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. GHC Genetics has been a long-term active partner of the project and contributes a large amount of laboratory and clinical data.
The CZECANCA panel ( CZEch CAncer paNel for Clinical Application) is a diagnostic tool for cancer predisposition testing. The panel was developed in 2015 at the Laboratory of Oncogenetics, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine, to create a reliable and cost-effective testing of a wide range of genes (gene panel) using next-generation massively parallel sequencing (NGS). The panel is available to collaborating clinical laboratories and enables rapid testing of a diverse group of cancer patients.
The full paper is available for download in the appendix of this article.