

Searching for the cause of long-term digestive issues

Lactose intolerance, celiac disease, histamine intolerance, fructose intolerance, Crohn's disease, non-specific intestinal inflammation, liver and gallbladder diseases.

Chronic digestive issues are very common, yet it's relatively difficult to determine what causes them. Primary food intolerance arises due to a genetic disorder, leading to an inability to digest certain foods, which causes digestive problems. The most common ones include lactose intolerance, histamine intolerance, fructose intolerance, celiac disease, non-specific intestinal inflammation, or Crohn's disease. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment. Genetic analysis can help confirm, exclude, or refine the diagnosis, allowing for appropriate therapeutic or preventive measures to be implemented, reducing the risks of health complications and improving quality of life.

List of tested chapters:

lactose intolerance
histamine intolerance
fructose intolerance
celiac disease
non-specific intestinal inflammation
Crohn's disease