Preventive genetic tests to optimise health

Comprehensive genetic analyses identify possible hereditary predispositions for a set of most common diseases. Based on the results, the level of risk for cardiovascular, cancer, metabolic, autoimmune and other diseases can be determined and appropriate preventive measures can be set in consultation with a doctor.

Predictive genetics aims to detect gene variants associated with the risk of a specific disease before it first manifests, allowing a comprehensive view of the area and effective targeting of prevention. Predictive genetics is the ideal tool to optimize your health and lifestyle. 

If there are certain diseases in your family, genetic analysis can help you discover their cause and set up appropriate preventive measures. If you are suffering from an unspecified health problem, the results of the genetic analysis may recommend appropriate treatment. If you want to make the most of your health, predictive genetics will give you a head start and keep you healthy into old age.


GenScan® analysis is a modern and accessible tool for personalized prevention. It can uncover health risks hidden in your DNA, allowing you to take necessary preventive measures and avoid the development of diseases, or start appropriate treatment before the disease fully manifests. With GenScan®, you can gain an advantage in caring for your health, improve your quality of life, and maintain your health into old age.

The result will be delivered within 6 months.

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17 600 Kč


GenScan® INDIVIDUAL analysis is a modern and affordable tool for personalized prevention. It brings the unique opportunity to choose only the areas that interest you the most. Focus your prevention and health care in the right direction.

The result will be delivered within 6 months.

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8 800 Kč

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The PharmaGen® test detects variants in genes that affect the metabolism of commonly used drugs, particularly in the fields of psychiatry, neurology and internal medicine (blood thinners - warfarin, cholesterol-lowering drugs, painkillers - ibuprofen, antidepressants, erectile dysfunction drugs, etc.).

Our genetic predisposition influences the rate of drug breakdown, its concentration in the blood, the effectiveness of treatment and the risk of side effects. Simply put, genetic analysis can help you find out what medication is right for you and at what dose, and which drugs to avoid, which can significantly speed up the appropriate treatment and increase its effectiveness.

You will receive the result within 10 working days.

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7 500 Kč


The TromboGen® genetic analysis can detect innate predispositions to increased blood clotting and allows you to take the necessary preventive measures in time. Thrombosis is a blood clot that can cause serious health complications, in extreme cases even death. It is caused by slowed blood flow and/or altered blood composition due to the joint effects of external risk factors and hereditary predispositions.

You will receive the result within 10 working days.

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1 600 Kč

BRCA1,2 Screen®

The BRCA1,2,Screen® genetic analysis examines the 34 most common mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes which cause breast and ovarian cancer in women and increase the risk of prostate cancer in men. These genes are inherited independently of gender, so prevention is absolutely key across the population. This test is recommended for basic prevention, it is not a substitute for a complete BRCA1,2 gene test.

You will receive the result within 30 working days.

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3 000 Kč

TromboGen Gravidity®

The TromboGen Gravidity® genetic analysis can detect risk predispositions for increased blood clotting, which can significantly contribute to reducing the risk of thrombosis and related pregnancy complications. Pregnant women are at risk of developing thrombosis, or a blood clot, much more than other women. This is due to the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and possible hereditary dispositions.

You will receive the result within 10 working days.

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2 400 Kč


The CardioGen® test can detect the risk of cardiovascular disease before the first clinical symptoms appear. Cardiovascular disease, or heart and blood vessel disease, is one of the so-called genetically determined diseases of affluence, the likelihood of which increases with age. Therefore, prevention plays a crucial role here.

You will receive the result within 10 working days.

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3 500 Kč

Clinical exome

The most comprehensive genetic analysis that analyses approximately 4,500 genes that are associated with various inherited diseases and birth defects. It helps diagnose the cause of rare inherited diseases. Based on the results, a prognosis can be determined, a prevention or treatment strategy can be developed and the risk of recurrence of the same disease for blood relatives can be assessed. 

You will receive the result within 6 months.

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82 000 Kč

DentalDUO (previously DentalScan®)

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting structure for the teeth called the periodontium. The cause is a combination of the presence of certain strains of bacteria in dental plaque and the immunological or genetic predisposition of the patient. The DentalDUO bacterial and genetic examination detects both of the above-mentioned risk factors for periodontitis, which can significantly contribute to early diagnosis, the selection of optimal treatment or the adoption of appropriate preventive measures.

You will receive the result within 15 working days.

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DentalDUO (previously DentalScan®)

3 200 Kč


1 800 Kč

Gut microbiome

The gut microbiome influences virtually the entire body, from nutrient digestion and energy absorption to immune system activity, liver function and risk of various diseases, and even the psyche. By genetically analysing a small stool sample in the laboratory, the types and amounts of bacteria that live in your colon can be determined. Together with an analysis of dietary habits, it is then possible to deduce what substances in the intestines are produced by the activity of the bacteria and how this affects the body. In addition, if we know what these bacteria need to multiply or what is not good for them, we can adjust the amount of bacteria in our gut through our diet. In this way, we can influence their impact on our body - and on our physical and mental health.

You will receive the result in 6-8 weeks

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9 900 Kč

Gut microbiome + biochemical blood test (nutritional status)

An examination of your gut microbiome will show you whether your gut bacteria are in balance and working with your body to maintain a good immune system. A biochemical blood test will reveal whether you are already developing certain risk factors and whether you are lacking any essential nutrients.

The examination includes an assessment of your eating habits and a consultation with a specialist who will make precise recommendations to ensure that the prevention is effective. 

Gut microbiome and a blood test (nutritional status)

16 200 Kč



After ordering the test, you will receive an email with detailed information. A DNA sample is most often obtained through an oral swab or blood sample. You can perform the oral swab yourself in the comfort of your own home using a collection kit which will be sent to you by mail together with instructions and other documents. You can have your blood drawn at your local physician's office or at our outpatient clinic. The result of the analysis will be sent to you by e-mail or by post as agreed. In the case of a positive result, we recommend an appointment for a genetic consultation. 


Reproductive genetics allows to minimize the risks in family planning. Genetic analysis can be used to determine whether one or both of a couple carries a risky hereditary disposition that could cause serious diseases or birth defects in their offspring. It can clarify the cause of infertility or repeated miscarriages.

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This area of genetic testing includes testing for hereditary predispositions to blood clotting disorders, which include thrombosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and other genetic cardiovascular diseases.

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DNA is the genetic information stored in the cells of our body and is a combination of the DNA of both of our biological parents. Therefore, when situations or circumstances arise in life that lead to the need to verify one's biological relationship with another person or persons, a DNA kinship test comes into play, which can be used to determine paternity, confirm maternity, consanguinity, as well as to determine the zygosity of twins or the origin of family lines.

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Inherited metabolic disorders are caused by defects in enzyme-coding genes involved in metabolism. It is a rather diverse group of several hundred diseases with different manifestations, different types of inheritance and treatment options. As a result of poor metabolic function, metabolism is impaired, which can lead to severe organ damage. A large number of metabolic disorders result in health problems caused by the accumulation of substances that become toxic and interfere with the normal functioning of the body.

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Pharmacogenetics is the study of how differences in our genes affect how drugs act on our bodies and how our bodies respond to those drugs. Genetic predispositions affect the rate of metabolic processing (activation or breakdown) of a drug, its concentration in the blood, the effectiveness of treatment and the risk of side effects. Based on this knowledge, the appropriate drug can be selected for a particular patient, the appropriate dose can be determined and the risk of side effects can be minimised.

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Oncological disease, popularly known as cancer, is currently one of the most common diseases of affluence. Tumours arise from the uncontrolled proliferation of cells, which occurs randomly or as a result of an inherited mutation in a specific gene. According to the characteristics of the tumour and the prognosis of the disease, we distinguish between benign and malignant tumours, which are 10-15% hereditary. The most common cancers include breast and ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer and various types of leukaemia.

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This group of genetic examinations is aimed at detecting the risk of hereditary and genetically determined diseases. This is both for the purpose of prevention (prediction) aimed at capturing genetic changes associated with the risk of developing a disease during life, for the purpose of diagnosis in persons with specific symptoms or manifestations of a disease, and last but not least, for the purpose of detecting possible transmission before family planning.

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At GHC Genetics, we now offer 2 types of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): the MaterniT 21+ and the MaterniT Genome.

The non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is designed for pregnant women. It can detect the risk of chromosomal defects such as Down's, Patau's and Edwards syndromes with an accuracy of more than 99%. This test, available from 9 weeks of pregnancy, is a gentle and reliable way to get key information about your baby's genetic health.

A comprehensive spectrum of prenatal examinations (including NIPT) and above-standard prenatal care and control of fetal health throughout the entire pregnancy is offered by our sister Centre of Prenatal Diagnostics PRENET in Pardubice. It performs biochemical screening for birth defects in the first and second trimesters, integrated screening for birth defects and non-invasive tests (NIPT). It also performs ultrasound screenings with the innovative Voluson E8 ultrasound machine, both in the first trimester (including NT, FMF certified sonographer) and also at 20 and 30 weeks of pregnancy, as well as targeted super-conciliar ultrasound. The prenatal centre also includes a genetics clinic.

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The propensity to certain diseases, but also how the body reacts to various risk factors and external influences, is stored in our DNA. GenScan® genetic analysis is aimed at detecting a wide range of health risks and the possibility of developing diseases of civilization. Whether and to what extent, if at all, the potential predispositions to develop a particular disease come to fruition over the course of a lifetime is influenced quite significantly by our lifestyle. Based on a comprehensive and detailed genetic analysis, GenScan® can reveal genetic predispositions to certain diseases, allowing you to focus your prevention and health care in the right direction and improve your quality of life.

The test is particularly suitable for those who want to maintain their health in the best possible condition in the long term. In addition to predispositions to hereditary and/or civilization diseases, the results of the analysis will also help to determine, for example, what lifestyle changes are specifically desirable for you, what laboratory values you should regularly monitor, which medications, if any, are most suitable for you and in what dosage, the cause of your difficulties in conceiving or recurrent illness in your family, and many others.

In our laboratory, physicians and geneticists with many years of experience are involved in developing tests, performing genetic analyses, and interpreting results. This allows us to provide you with a truly detailed view of your health and the highest level of care. We make sure that the results of the analysis are easy to understand and as beneficial to you as possible. A consultation with your doctor is an essential part of the examination, so that your personal medical history is taken into account when evaluating the results and the conclusions of the analysis are explained in a clear manner. This gives you a clear report on your health, a comprehensive set of personalised recommendations on how best to compensate for any risks, and answers to any questions you may have about your health. Improve your life - it's in your genes and in your hands.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The time required for the laboratory examination (sample analysis) and the delivery date of the result vary according to the type and complexity of the examination. Usually it is in the order of weeks, for complex tests up to several months. The delivery date of the result is indicated in the details of each test on our website. In urgent situations, e.g. for a woman with a newly diagnosed breast or ovarian tumour before surgery, the oncopanel cancer test is performed in STATIM mode and the result is available within 3-4 weeks, whereas in normal mode it takes up to 6 months.
Health insurance always covers genetic consultations recommended by the attending physician (usually a general practitioner, paediatrician, oncologist, gynaecologist or other specialist). During the consultation, a clinical geneticist will assess whether the indication criteria for testing for the predisposition genes are met; if so, the entire genetic test, including laboratory analysis of the sample and subsequent consultation with the geneticist/doctor, is covered by health insurance. If the criteria for the genetic testing are not met, the patient can pay for the selected/recommended test as a self-payment.
After making an appointment, you will come to our office where you will first fill out a personal and family history questionnaire, or you can download it from here on our website and fill it out in advance, in the comfort of your own home. Remember to bring it with you afterwards. This is followed by a consultation with a doctor who will compile your three-generation family tree and decide on the indication for laboratory genetic testing. We also recommend that you bring medical reports from recent important examinations.
Recommendation - a referral from the doctor who recommended the genetic consultation. Alternatively, a completed genetic family and personal history questionnaire, which can be downloaded here. However, the questionnaire can also be completed after you arrive at our office. Medical reports from previous examinations related to the requested genetic test. It is not necessary to be fasting for the genetic examination, so you can easily make an appointment in the afternoon.
It has been reported that approximately 5-10% of cancers are caused by inborn changes in certain genes. One of the main goals of predictive genetic testing is the early identification of people at risk. If risk predispositions (gene mutations) are detected, preventive follow-up at specialised centres is recommended, where possible cancers are detected early and the chances of successful treatment are increased. In the case of high-risk mutations, preventive surgery may be recommended to make the risk of cancer in a given organ virtually impossible (for example, removal of the breast glands or removal of the uterus and ovary in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers).
If your first-degree relative (parents, siblings, children) develops colon cancer before the age of 45, your risk of developing this cancer is 5 times higher. If you have three first-degree relatives, your risk can be as high as 50%. In families with a history of recurrent bowel cancer or with a history of bowel cancer at a young age, it could be hereditary cancer syndrome (Lynch syndrome). In such cases, genetic consultation is recommended.

Do you have a question or don't know which test to choose?

Call us at 800 390 390 or contact us and we'll be happy to help.