DentalDUO (previously DentalScan®)

DentalDUO (previously DentalScan®)

Reveals the risk of periodontitis

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting structure for the teeth called the periodontium. The cause is a combination of the presence of certain strains of bacteria in dental plaque and the immunological or genetic predisposition of the patient. The DentalDUO bacterial and genetic examination detects both of the above-mentioned risk factors for periodontitis, which can significantly contribute to early diagnosis, the selection of optimal treatment or the adoption of appropriate preventive measures.

DentalDUO (previously DentalScan®)
3 200 Kč
1 800 Kč


Within 15 working days after receipt of your sample.

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By gingival swab at your dentist's office.

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An overview of your most frequently asked questions and our answers.

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Periodontitis affects up to one third of the population in various forms. It is caused by untreated inflammation of the gums or the supporting structure for the teeth, which can lead to the development of chronic inflammation of the oral cavity, tooth loss, increased risk of secondary infection of the body, heart attack, stroke and in women increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. Periodontitis is like most other diseases, the earlier it is diagnosed and treated, the better the patient's chances of recovery.

In the beginning, the disease may be relatively unnoticeable and painless. Typical symptoms that should not be overlooked include bleeding gums when brushing, sensitive or exposed tooth necks, bad breath or wobbling teeth. The most effective prevention is thorough dental and oral hygiene and regular preventive check-ups. As a preventive measure, you can undergo a DentalDUO examination, which detects the presence of periodontitis-causing bacterial strains and the genetic make-up of the patient, including the reactivity of the patient's immune system, which can significantly contribute to reducing the risk of serious complications.

The DentalDUO test consists of two parts. The DentalBac test (can be ordered separately) detects the presence of bacterial factors involved in the development of periodontitis, which can significantly contribute to early diagnosis, the choice of optimal treatment or the adoption of appropriate preventive measures. It detects 12 basic paropathogenic bacteria:

  • Highly pathogenic types:Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia, Filifactor alocis
  • Moderately pathogenic types: Prevotella intermedia, Parvimonas micra, Fusobacterium sp., Campylobacter rectus
  • Low pathogenic types: Eikenella corrodens, Capnocytophaga gingivalis, Eubacterium nodatum

The second part of DentalGEN identifies a patient's genetic predisposition to the risk of periodontitis, which can significantly contribute to early diagnosis, selection of optimal treatment or adoption of appropriate preventive measures.

You will receive the result within 15 working days.


After ordering the test, you will receive an email with detailed information. A DNA sample is obtained by swabbing the gingival sulcus. The sample is taken by a dentist using a sampling kit, which will be sent to you by post together with instructions and other documents. The result of the analysis will be communicated to you by telephone and we will agree how you wish to obtain the laboratory report. In case of a positive result, we will arrange a consultation with a geneticist who will explain everything and recommend appropriate measures. 



GenScan® analysis is a modern tool for personalized prevention. It can detect the health risks hidden in your DNA, allowing you to take the necessary precautions to avoid the development of a disease or to start appropriate treatment before it occurs. With GenScan® analysis, you can get a head start on your health care, improve your quality of life and maintain your health into old age.

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The PharmaGen® test detects variants in genes that affect the metabolism of commonly used drugs, particularly in the fields of psychiatry, neurology and internal medicine (blood thinners - warfarin, cholesterol-lowering drugs, painkillers - ibuprofen, antidepressants, erectile dysfunction drugs, etc.).

Our genetic predisposition influences the rate of drug breakdown, its concentration in the blood, the effectiveness of treatment and the risk of side effects. Simply put, genetic analysis can help you find out what medication is right for you and at what dose, and which drugs to avoid, which can significantly speed up the appropriate treatment and increase its effectiveness.

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The TromboGen® genetic analysis can detect innate predispositions to increased blood clotting and allows you to take the necessary preventive measures in time. Thrombosis is a blood clot that can cause serious health complications, in extreme cases even death. It is caused by slowed blood flow and/or altered blood composition due to the joint effects of external risk factors and hereditary predispositions.

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BRCA1,2 Screen®

BRCA1,2 Screen®

The BRCA1,2,Screen® genetic analysis examines the 34 most common mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes which cause breast and ovarian cancer in women and increase the risk of prostate cancer in men. These genes are inherited independently of gender, so prevention is absolutely key across the population. This test is recommended for basic prevention, it is not a substitute for a complete BRCA1,2 gene test.

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TromboGen Gravidity®

TromboGen Gravidity®

The TromboGen Gravidity® genetic analysis can detect risk predispositions for increased blood clotting, which can significantly contribute to reducing the risk of thrombosis and related pregnancy complications. Pregnant women are at risk of developing thrombosis, or a blood clot, much more than other women. This is due to the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and possible hereditary dispositions.

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The CardioGen® test can detect the risk of cardiovascular disease before the first clinical symptoms appear. Cardiovascular disease, or heart and blood vessel disease, is one of the so-called genetically determined diseases of affluence, the likelihood of which increases with age. Therefore, prevention plays a crucial role here.

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Clinical exome

Clinical exome

The most comprehensive genetic analysis that analyses approximately 4,500 genes that are associated with various inherited diseases and birth defects. It helps diagnose the cause of rare inherited diseases. Based on the results, a prognosis can be determined, a prevention or treatment strategy can be developed and the risk of recurrence of the same disease for blood relatives can be assessed. 

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Gut microbiome

Gut microbiome

The gut microbiome influences virtually the entire body, from nutrient digestion and energy absorption to immune system activity, liver function and risk of various diseases, and even the psyche. By genetically analysing a small stool sample in the laboratory, the types and amounts of bacteria that live in your colon can be determined. Together with an analysis of dietary habits, it is then possible to deduce what substances in the intestines are produced by the activity of the bacteria and how this affects the body. In addition, if we know what these bacteria need to multiply or what is not good for them, we can adjust the amount of bacteria in our gut through our diet. In this way, we can influence their impact on our body - and on our physical and mental health.

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GenScan® Individual + gut microbiome + biochemical blood test (nutritional status)

GenScan® Individual + gut microbiome + biochemical blood test (nutritional status)

Genetic testing reveals innate predispositions to disease and identifies how your body will respond to risk factors for these diseases, or what your body responds to to keep you healthy. Gut microbiome testing will show you if your gut bacteria are in balance and working with your body to maintain good immunity. In addition, the combination of these tests will tell you whether you are eliminating the risk factors hidden in your genes correctly. A biochemical blood test will reveal whether you are already developing certain risk factors and whether you are lacking certain essential nutrients.

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GenScan® Individual + biochemical blood test (nutritional status)

GenScan® Individual + biochemical blood test (nutritional status)

Genetic testing reveals innate predispositions to disease and identifies how your body will respond to risk factors for these diseases, or what your body responds to to keep you healthy. A biochemical blood test will reveal whether you are already developing certain risk factors and lacking certain essential nutrients.

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Gut microbiome + biochemical blood test (nutritional status)

Gut microbiome + biochemical blood test (nutritional status)

An examination of your gut microbiome will show you whether your gut bacteria are in balance and working with your body to maintain a good immune system. A biochemical blood test will reveal whether you are already developing certain risk factors and whether you are lacking any essential nutrients.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The time required for the laboratory examination (sample analysis) and the delivery date of the result vary according to the type and complexity of the examination. Usually it is in the order of weeks, for complex tests up to several months. The delivery date of the result is indicated in the details of each test on our website. In urgent situations, e.g. for a woman with a newly diagnosed breast or ovarian tumour before surgery, the oncopanel cancer test is performed in STATIM mode and the result is available within 3-4 weeks, whereas in normal mode it takes up to 6 months.
Health insurance always covers genetic consultations recommended by the attending physician (usually a general practitioner, paediatrician, oncologist, gynaecologist or other specialist). During the consultation, a clinical geneticist will assess whether the indication criteria for testing for the predisposition genes are met; if so, the entire genetic test, including laboratory analysis of the sample and subsequent consultation with the geneticist/doctor, is covered by health insurance. If the criteria for the genetic testing are not met, the patient can pay for the selected/recommended test as a self-payment.
After making an appointment, you will come to our office where you will first fill out a personal and family history questionnaire, or you can download it from here on our website and fill it out in advance, in the comfort of your own home. Remember to bring it with you afterwards. This is followed by a consultation with a doctor who will compile your three-generation family tree and decide on the indication for laboratory genetic testing. We also recommend that you bring medical reports from recent important examinations.
Recommendation - a referral from the doctor who recommended the genetic consultation. Alternatively, a completed genetic family and personal history questionnaire, which can be downloaded here. However, the questionnaire can also be completed after you arrive at our office. Medical reports from previous examinations related to the requested genetic test. It is not necessary to be fasting for the genetic examination, so you can easily make an appointment in the afternoon.
It has been reported that approximately 5-10% of cancers are caused by inborn changes in certain genes. One of the main goals of predictive genetic testing is the early identification of people at risk. If risk predispositions (gene mutations) are detected, preventive follow-up at specialised centres is recommended, where possible cancers are detected early and the chances of successful treatment are increased. In the case of high-risk mutations, preventive surgery may be recommended to make the risk of cancer in a given organ virtually impossible (for example, removal of the breast glands or removal of the uterus and ovary in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers).
If your first-degree relative (parents, siblings, children) develops colon cancer before the age of 45, your risk of developing this cancer is 5 times higher. If you have three first-degree relatives, your risk can be as high as 50%. In families with a history of recurrent bowel cancer or with a history of bowel cancer at a young age, it could be hereditary cancer syndrome (Lynch syndrome). In such cases, genetic consultation is recommended.

Do you have a question or don't know which test to choose?

Call us at 800 390 390 or contact us and we'll be happy to help.